30/08 - Crea tu propio asistente personal IA
Tutorial en el que creamos un asistente personal IA, que aprende de tí y es capaz de recordarte cosas de forma proactiva, y accesible desde Telegram.
Tutorial en el que creamos un asistente personal IA, que aprende de tí y es capaz de recordarte cosas de forma proactiva, y accesible desde Telegram.
Lo que sigue es un artículo de opinión, una exploración de ideas sobre el impacto de la IA que me parecen importantes en el medio y largo plazo.
Step by step tutorial to publish an asynchronous REST API that access a data base using JDBC, using Vertx3 for asynchronous programming and Kotlin for easy d...
I moved from Indra S.A. to Akamon Entertainment
Knowledge as just plain text
Another prize to innovation
UI web framework to develop complex business applications
Java frameworks to traverse object memory structures, to be used in view frameworks like WAM
I liked WWW... but wanted to make it better
This a 3 article series about the mobile agents
This a 3 article series about the mobile agents
This a 3 article series about the mobile agents
This a 3 article serie about the early JVM, published also in RPP magazine
This a 3 article serie about the early JVM, published also in RPP magazine
This a 3 article serie about the early JVM, published also in RPP magazine
This was my second publication (and also my first -and naive- approach to asynchronous programming)... I was so young
This was my first publication: how to workaround the VGA limits from displaying 256 colors to... 256.000 colors
My first prize... so sweet
A simple engine to do particle systems simulations